We’ve all been there: Watching a foreign-language show late one night and suddenly, what the...? You know you could have written better subtitles, and you don’t even speak the language!
Of course we think Viki’s fan-created subtitles are pretty awesome, but that doesn’t mean we can’t make fun of other epic fails.
Read on and don’t forget to share yours!
We hate it when that happens.
We hope it’s not contagious.
Someone is really not paying attention.
Go home, subtitles, you’re drunk!
Saturday mornings are more serious than we remember.
We didn’t realize that was part of the Lunar calendar.
Helpful, dude.
TMI, girlfriend, TMI.
Wait, is this show about zombies???
You were this close
Read on and don’t forget to share yours!

We hate it when that happens.
We hope it’s not contagious.
Someone is really not paying attention.
Go home, subtitles, you’re drunk!
Saturday mornings are more serious than we remember.
We didn’t realize that was part of the Lunar calendar.
Subtitles, you had ONE job
Wait, is this show about zombies???
You were this close